Erica van Reenen

Agribusiness Consultant, Environmental Consultant, Director

Erica is chairman of Agfirst NZ, New Zealand’s largest and most diverse grouping of Agricultural and Horticultural consultancy businesses.

Erica has extensive experience working at the interface of environmental management and farm systems at farm-level, industry level, and increasingly, how this connects to market. She provides strategic expertise for a number of clients and holds governance roles in several agribusinesses. Past roles include the inaugural environment extension manager for Beef + Lamb New Zealand having previously held the position as the Mid Northern North Island extension manager. Erica worked as a policy analyst for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry where she worked in climate change policy initially and a range of sector performance based policy roles subsequently. She has a Masters of Science, majoring in agricultural science with a focus on sustainable agriculture. Erica is a partner of Morrison Farming, a 1,250ha sheep and beef breeding and finishing farm in the Rangitikei.


  • Strategic thinker with capabilities to explore and analyse farm systems including production, performance, people, and environment, and connect with new technology and the market place. 
  • Strong networker with great relationships across New Zealand’s primary industries. 
  • Experience with performance monitoring on-farm using tools such as Farmax, cost-benefit analysis, industry data such as B+LNZ Economic Service data, Farm Monitoring (previously MAF, now AgFirst) and applying these tools within farm systems.
  • Excellent grasp of principles and practices in the land-based sectors in New Zealand.
  • Strong knowledge of the relationship between primary production and the environment including practical mitigation strategies for farmers to reduce their impact, as well as a sound understanding of farmer behaviour towards this subject.
  • Expert in farm environment plan development in a range of farm systems and environments across New Zealand, particularly sheep, beef and deer farms. 
  • Ability to analyse risks, apply knowledge and solve problems effectively.
  • Experienced facilitator having facilitated workshops and field days across New Zealand with sheep, beef, deer and dairy farmers.
  • Strong experience in policy design and development, with a strong grasp on the legislative process and for presenting information to different end-users.
  • Specialist in developing and delivering extension programmes.


  • Advanced Certificate in Sustainable Nutrient Management in New Zealand Agriculture, Massey University 2014 
  • Kellogg Rural Leaders Programme, Lincoln University 2012 
  • Masters of Agricultural Science (hons), Massey University 2008 
  • Bachelor of Science majoring in Agricultural Science Massey University 2006

Employment History

AgFirst Manawatu-Whanganui Agribusiness and Environmental Consultant,
Managing Director October 2015 – present

AgFirst Manawatu-Whanganui was established in 2015, expanding AgFirst’s business into Feilding which Erica leads. The business works with leading farmers and industry partners seeking to modernise their on-farm practices to meet the expectations of both the domestic and international market-place. Clients include farmers, corporate agribusiness, Māori agribusiness, industry bodies, central and local government. 

We are an enabler of practice change with expertise in balancing environmental, social, cultural, and economic imperatives to achieve better and more satisfying outcomes for the businesses we work alongside. We look at the overall business performance and support in achieving long-term goals incorporating the needs of the land, the family, staff, and other stakeholders. Taking a strategic and tailored approach to this means clients are receiving a bespoke service that meets their needs. The business has a specific focus on environmental sustainability for farmers addressing freshwater, soils, biodiversity and climate change within the context of the farm system and business. Farm environment plans are a significant component of the work and increasingly developing carbon strategies for farmers addressing policy and strategic issues and translating these into on-farm actions.  

With a broad range of technical skills we also provide economic and environmental advice and analysis regarding agriculture to industry partners, central and local government. This includes modelling work in Farmax and Overseer across multiple farm systems. Erica has specialist expertise in designing and delivering extension programmes to farmers and industry.

Environment Extension Manager, New Zealand; Extension Manager, Mid Northern 
North Island – Beef + Lamb New Zealand.
Hamilton: October 2011 – February 2014Manawatu: March 2014 – October 2015 

The more recent position was to design and deliver on-farm extension tools and services, and information transfer activities to levy-paying farmers with regards to the environment. Erica’s focus was to build and foster strong relationships with Beef + Lamb New Zealand stakeholders and contributed to the ongoing development of farming best practice processes. Many of the programmes are community driven which involved managing multiple personalities and providing value at a community level via the community groups. The role involved designing and managing environmental programmes across the country, developing new resources to support farmer’s decision-making processes and building capability within the sheep and beef sector with farmers and delivery specialists. 

Prior to this position, Erica was the Extension Manager for the Mid Northern North Island. This was a more general role providing extension services to the roughly 2,000 commercial sheep and beef farmers in the Region. It involved managing around 15 programmes with their associated communities to deliver over 60 events per year to help farmers grow their businesses covering topics such as business management, pasture production, animal production, animal health, governance, environment, soil management and more.

Policy Analyst – Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF).
Wellington: June 2008 – April 2011; Hamilton: April 2011 – October 2011 

Erica spent nearly 3 years working in the Climate Change team and played a significant role in the policy analysis to bring agriculture into the NZ ETS. She worked with the Agricultural Technical Advisory Group with representatives from across the primary sector over this time. She also presented on agriculture and emissions trading at a conference in Tokyo, Japan and attended the Global Research Alliance meeting on agriculture in Banff, Canada. Erica helped deliver workshops to farmers around the country on adaptation to climate change and was involved in several farmer and industry consultation meetings regarding the ETS.  

The latter position was in the Sector Performance Team where Erica carried out a wide range of policy work. She was responsible for the Northland Sheep and Beef and Northland Dairy Farm Monitoring Models in 2011. She was involved in refreshing the animal welfare strategy for shade and shelter. She was also involved in two Primary Growth Partnership projects. During her time at MAF, Erica led the department’s work on the new rental system for Crown Pastoral Lease (South Island High Country) which was enacted through legislation in 2012. 

These roles enabled her to develop a sound understanding of systems from a farm level, right through to the Minister’s office. Her understanding of environmental issues and the policy responses in the agricultural sector is also excellent. The roles strengthened her ability to work with a vast array of different people – lawyers, politicians, farmers, advocates, industry representatives and other Government agencies, and she has maintained strong networks within Government and industry subsequently.

Awards and Scholarships

  • 2018 AGMARDT scholarship recipient to attend AgriTech Delegation visit to Israel 
  • 2017 Massey Agriculture Alumni Achievement Award 
  • 2016 Runner Up, Zanda McDonald Award 
  • 2014 New Zealand winner of the Woolworths’ Agribusiness Scholarship 
  • 2013 Profiled as “Top Ten Up and Comer” in the agricultural sector by ‘Primary’ magazine 
  • 2012 AGMARDT Leadership Award to attend Kellogg Rural Leaders Programme

Other Roles

  • 2022 – present: Director and Chairman, AgFirstNZ
  • 2019 – present: Advisory board member, Massey Agriculture and Horticultural Enterprises 
  • 2019 – present: Director, AgFirst Taranaki Ltd 
  • 2019 – present: Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Massey University School of Agriculture and Environment
  • 2019 – 2021: Member, Pāmu Environmental Technical Group 
  • 2018 – 2022: Judge, Zanda McDonald Award 
  • 2016 – present: Director, Morrison Farming Ltd 
  • 2015 – present: Nutrient Management Adviser Certification Programme Standard Setting Committee member
  • 2015 – present: Trustee, 3F (Food, Farms and Freshwater) 
  • 2012 – 2022: Trustee, Waikato Te Araroa 
  • 2018 – Advisory member, development group for Sustainable and Ethical Standards for New Zealand Farm Assurance Programme (now called Farm Assurance Programme Plus) 
  • 2014-2020 member then Chairman, Young Farmer Contest Questions Committee

Publications and Reports

van Reenen, Erica (2020). Integrated Land Use and Farm Environment Plan – Molesworth Station. Prepared for Pāmu New Zealand. Read here.

van Reenen, Erica (2019). GHG costs and benefits on different land classes. Report prepared for the Interim Climate Change Commission. Read here.

Phil Journeaux, Erica van Reenen, Tafi Manjala, Sam Pike, David Miller and Graeme Austin (2018). Literature Review and Analysis of Farmer decision making with regard to Climate Change and Biological Gas Emissions. Report prepared for the Biological Emissions Reference Group.

Phil Journeaux & Erica van Reenen (2017). Economic evaluation of stock water reticulation on hill country. Report published by Ministry for Primary Industries.

Phil Journeaux, Erica van Reenen, Tafi Manjala, Sam Pike, Ian Hanmore & Sally Millar (2017). Analysis of drivers and barriers to land use change. Report published by Ministry for Primary Industries.

John Paterson, Adrian Brocksopp, Erica van Reenen (2014). A joint industry approach to monitor and report on farm progress towards catchment environmental targets. In: Nutrient management for the farm, catchment and community. (Eds L.D Currie and C.L. Christensen). Occasional Report No. 27. Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 11 pages.

E.H van Reenen, P.C Beukes et al, M.R. Scarsbrook, R. Abercrombie, M.D. Barton (2013): Contract Session: Farming within Limits. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (organiser and chairman of contract session).

Erica van Reenen (2013). Increasing the uptake of environmental practices on sheep and beef farms. Kellogg Rural Leaders Programme Report.

E.H. van Reenen & A.H. Pickering (2011): The role of legislation in improving farm sustainability and how the New Zealand Government intends to incentivise the agricultural industry. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 71.

Guest speaker, International Symposium on Agriculture and Emissions Trading, February 2011, Tokyo, Japan.

E.H. van Reenen (2010): Agriculture in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. Poster presentation Greenhouse Gases in Animal Agriculture Conference, Banff, Canada, October 2010.

Guest lecturer Massey University Agricultural Systems class on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme, 2010.

E.H. van Reenen, P. R. Kenyon, R. G. Sherlock, R. E. Hickson, S. T. Morris (2010): Shearing Merino ewes at different stages of pregnancy: effects on fleece characteristics of progeny. Animal Production Science, 50:6; 603 – 607.

E.H. van Reenen. (2008). Shearing merino ewes at different stages of pregnancy; some consequences for the progeny. Thesis in partial fulfilment of a Master of Science in Agricultural Science.

E.H. van Reenen, P. R. Kenyon, R. G. Sherlock, R. E. Hickson, S. T. Morris (2008): Brief communication: Live weight and body condition of single- and twin- bearing Merino ewes. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 6; 67-68.


Other Consultants

Erica van Reenen

Agribusiness Consultant, Environmental Consultant, Director

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Agribusiness Consultant, Director

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