Peter Manson

Agribusiness Consultant

Peter has a farming background and has spent nearly four decades working with hill country farmers on the east coast of the North Island. He and his wife Vicky have brought up a family of four now adult, children in Wairoa. Peter and Vicky presently farm an area of flat land near Wairoa, growing winter store lambs, a few cattle and balage.

Peters long standing focus has been to work for rural farmers and their communities and he has also been active in many volunteer groups and roles.

He has a particular interest in the long term viability of hill country farming and has managed research projects trialling the integration of alternative tree species into farm systems. Grazable shrubs and selected native and exotic species for soil conservation have been a focus in recent years. While hill country is often targeted for tree planting, Peter believes that this can be done in a way that enhances the viability of farms while taking advantage of the environmental and economic results of wise tree planting.

Joining AgFirst is an opportunity to share his knowledge and skills more widely in the rural sector and to provide a balanced approach to farming through an Integrated Farm Planning model. This will enable farmers to achieve their fresh water and other environmental outcomes with less worry.

Qualifications and positions held:

  • Kellogg Rural Leadership (Lincoln University)
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science Lincoln College)
  • Intermediate Sustainable Nutrient Management (Massey University)
  • (Interim) President, NZ Association of Resource Management
  • Member and past president, Wairoa Rotary Club
  • Chairman, McRae Trust Farm
  • NZIPIM member
  • NZ Farm Forestry Association member


Other Consultants

Erica van Reenen

Agribusiness Consultant, Environmental Consultant, Director

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Tafi Manjala

Agribusiness Consultant, Director

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Chris Boom

Agribusiness Consultant, Director

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Kim Robinson

Agribusiness Consultant, Director

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